On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 2:58 PM, Steven <steven.mcc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9 Apr 2012, at 17:41, Tom Rondeau wrote:
> Steven,
> Try to rebuild GNU Radio using -DTRY_SHM_VMCIRCBUF=Off.
> After you rebuild it, make sure you remove
> "~/.gnuradio/prefs/gr_vmcircbuf_default_factory" so you don't confuse
> the system.
> We recently re-enabled this with cmake and it's the default under
> autotools. There's a known bug in Cygwin, which was why this is an
> option that can be set. As far as I know, it's always worked under
> OSX, but as Michael said, something might have changed and it's just
> been masked for a while. It'll be interesting to know if this is a new
> problem.
> Thanks, that seems to have done the trick.
> For the record here's how I built it:
> # Install the dependencies
> sudo port install apple-gcc42 atk autoconf automake bison boost bzip2 cairo
> cmake cppunit db46 dbus docbook-xml docbook-xml-4.1.2 docbook-xml-4.2
> docbook-xml-4.3 docbook-xml-4.4 docbook-xml-4.5 docbook-xml-5.0 docbook-xsl
> doxygen expat fftw-3 fftw-3-single flac fontconfig freetype gawk gcc_select
> gd2 gdbm gdk-pixbuf2 getopt gettext ghostscript glib2 gmp gnome-common
> gnome-doc-utils gperf gputils graphviz groff gsed gsl gtk-doc gtk2 gts guile
> help2man hicolor-icon-theme icu intltool iso-codes jack jasper jbig2dec
> jbigkit jpeg lcms lcms2 libedit libffi libglade2 libiconv libidn libLASi
> libmikmod libmng libogg libpaper libpixman libpng libsamplerate libsdl
> libsdl_mixer libsndfile libtool libusb libusb-legacy libvorbis libxml2
> libxslt m4 makedepend mesa ncurses ncursesw netpbm nosetests_select openssl
> orc p5.12-getopt-long p5.12-locale-gettext p5.12-pathtools
> p5.12-scalar-list-utils p5.12-xml-parser pango pcre perl5 perl5.12 pkgconfig
> portaudio psutils py27-cairo py27-cheetah py27-distribute py27-gobject
> py27-gtk py27-libxml2 py27-lxml py27-nose py27-numpy py27-opengl
> py27-opengl-accelerate py27-pil py27-py py27-pyqt4 py27-pyqwt py27-sip
> py27-tkinter py27-wxpython-devel python26 python27 python_select qt4-mac
> qwt52 qwtplot3d rarian readline sdcc29 shared-mime-info smpeg sqlite3 swig
> swig-python tcl texinfo tiff tk urw-fonts usrp wxWidgets-devel Xft2
> xmlcatmgr xorg-bigreqsproto xorg-compositeproto xorg-damageproto
> xorg-dri2proto xorg-fixesproto xorg-glproto xorg-inputproto xorg-kbproto
> xorg-libice xorg-libpthread-stubs xorg-libsm xorg-libX11 xorg-libXau
> xorg-libXaw xorg-libxcb xorg-libXcomposite xorg-libXcursor xorg-libXdamage
> xorg-libXdmcp xorg-libXext xorg-libXfixes xorg-libXi xorg-libXinerama
> xorg-libXmu xorg-libXrandr xorg-libXScrnSaver xorg-libXt xorg-randrproto
> xorg-renderproto xorg-scrnsaverproto xorg-util-macros xorg-xcb-proto
> xorg-xcb-util xorg-xcmiscproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xf86bigfontproto
> xorg-xineramaproto xorg-xproto xorg-xtrans xpm xrender xz zlib
> # Set your PYTHONPATH
> PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
> # grab the latest source
> cd /usr/local
> git clone git://gnuradio.org/gnuradio
> # Not sure if this step is necessary now but haven't tested without it
> sudo port select gcc apple-gcc42
> export CC=gcc
> export CXX=g++
> # Build it
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ../gnuradio/ -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/opt/local/lib/libpython2.7.dylib
> # Test it
> make test
> # Install it :o)
> make install

Thanks for the info. It'd be great to figure out where/why this is
going wrong. As I said, it used to be the default case under
autotools, and I don't think we had a problem with it. If it's a new
feature in OSX version x.y.z, then we'll have to live with it until we
can figure out a workaround.

If no one can figure out how to get shared memory mapping to work,
we'll add another check to disable it for both Windows and OSX.


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