  Is there anyone who use the uhd source code like tx_burst.cpp, use the
function send(buffs, samples_to_send, md, timeout) to send data, I use the
tx_burst.cpp and rx_samples_to_file.cpp to transmit and receive data, but
the received data is without rules.
  I think the data must be deal with like modulated and framer packed as in
benchmark,  I want to circular call the function send() and recv() in a
source file and convert the received data in form of which it to be send,
like benchmark_tx and benchmark_rx, but I have no idea how to do a
interface between function send() and benchmark.
  Maybe it is means I want to convert the data form from stream to packet,
is it right? hey!
  Is there anyone do the same work? would you  so nice to give me a hand,
thanks very much!

Ding Yuzhen
Beijng University of Posts and Telecommunications
School of computer science
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