Awesome! I'm still waiting on my RTL-based card to arrive via snail-mail from 
an unknown factory on the other side of the world. Will test when it arrives!

[] On Behalf 
Of Balint Seeber
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 11:22 AM
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] RTL2832 ($20 USB SDR) support now in gr-baz

Hi folks,

I've just added RTL2832 support to gr-baz with support for both tuners (Elonics 
E4000 and Fitipower FC0013).

If you're not aware, this is sold as a DVB-T USB receiver for ~$20, which is a 
pretty decent price for a device that can do general purpose SDR at 3.2 MHz and 
8-bits! The journey starts with Antti 
 who discovered it can be put in a mode where it streams baseband data directly 
over USB (for analog FM demodulation in software). This resulted in Steve 
Markgraf's rtl-sdr<> user-space capture 
utility over at Osmocom (see the Osmocom page to find compatible devices).

I've taken that source and created a fully-featured GNU Radio Source block 
'baz.rtl_source_c'<> (with GRC 
block) that outputs complex values, and allows adjustment of frequency, sample 
rate and LNA gain. There is also an optional automatic tuner mode control for 
the E4000. If you also like using Winrad/HDSDR/WRplus, my ExtIO 
plugin<> now has support for the 
device too. The Source block performs internal multi-threaded buffering for 
smoother performance (this might be over-engineered, but it seemed to help with 
the ExtIO plugin).

You can get the source code from my SVN<> or 
github<> (though please visit the info 
page<> first for more 
info/pre-reqs - e.g. libusb-1.0, etc). It's experimental, and not the prettiest 
because I actually ported it back from the ExtIO plugin, but it works for me 
and if you want to help test/clean it up then that would be very much 

To see it in action, have a peek here:

Balint @spenchdotnet<>
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