I have bought two gpsdos and install them to my usrp n210. Then I congfiured 
them step by step according to the following link provided by ettus LLC 
After all the things had done, I tried to retrieve
the current GPS time by the "gps_time" sensor using the codes : " 
usrp->get_mboard_sensor("gps_time") ". The 

compilation is ok and I executived the program. Then an unexpected LookupError 
occured :

Error: LookupError: Path not found in tree: /mboards/0/sensors/gps_time

I printed all sensor list and there are only two sensor "mimo_locked", 
"ref_locked". So I thought that means The gpsdo was not properly set so that 
the usrp didn't find any "gps_time" sensors. But when I executived the program 
"test_pps_input" at /usr/local/share/uhd/example. The pps seens all right. That 
means the gpsdo is ok. What's more, when I  used the reference sources  
provided by an external GPSDO by the code : 


It work well too. 

Now I am confused . why is that happen? Was my gpsdo broken? All the two gpsdos 
have the same LookupError. 

Thanks for your help.
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