On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Marcus D. Leech <mle...@ripnet.com> wrote:

> George,
>> I do think we need something like what you have suggested but I am still
>> a bit puzzled about the right way of implementing it.
>> Best regards,
>> Andre
>>  I think a more fundamental issue is that "carrier sense" isn't actually
> defined in any kind of general way.  Certainly for *some* types of
>  PHYs, you can do simple energy-presence detection.  But usually, it's
> more complicated than that, and it varies widely from PHY to
>  PHY.  In some, you'll need to run a correlator before you even know
> whether the channel is busy or not.  In others, simple energy
>  detection works.
> I don't think there's a general-purpose way of doing this, but that's just
> my POV.
Definitely, there are MACs whose form of carrier sense is detecting
preamble rather than detecting energy.  In my same piece of work, we put a
matched filter in the FPGA and the host specifies the coefficients of the
match filter, then you gate on that.  But, I don't think it's unreasonable
to think basic energy detection is not general purpose enough?  I think
supporting some basic form of energy detection would start to enable better
MAC implementations...

and afterwards I have every intention of rolling a match filter in to the
FPGA also.  So, maybe your suggestion is I build a separate FPGA
implementation if people want MAC functionality.  I can do that if people
believe that the functionality is not general enough.
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