On 21/02/12 22:20, Marcus D. Leech wrote:

Hmmm, I had a simultaneous send/receive app on USRP1 a few weeks ago
that SEGVed. I didn't have time to investigate.
But perhaps this is the same issue?

Could you reduce it to UHD+"stuff"+innocuous sink -- does that work?

Sure can. Graph is as follows:

[Null Source] ---> [UHD SINK]
[UHD Source] ---> [Null Sink]

Results are as follows:

Options Block/Generate Options set to QT-GUI : Runs Fine
Options Block/Generate Options set to WX-GUI : SEGV
Options Block/Generate Options set to No-GUI : SEGV

Also added a "NOP" block in-between the sources and sinks,
same result.


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