>You may have a version mismatch between the installed python modules in
lib and installed python scripts in bin. Either that, or its a very old
bug. Whatever the case, I recommend you nuke your gr install(s) and grab
a recent release.

First of all bundle of thanks. Last post did help me alot.
 I installed a fresh gnruadio 3.4.0. Connected the USRP1 and usrp_probe ran
Both the boards were detected. :)

When I tried to connect DBSRX2 to RXB or RXA the it wasn't detected. I mean
when I ran usrp_probe the model shown was 'unkown' and frequency range was
from -9000000.0 to 9.000000. Any help what I need to do in order to check
the DBSRX2 ?

> 2) Also I got N210. How can I test it. Please help.
> Waiting for a quick response as I am worried. Any help in this regards
> is highly appreciated.

What do you want to test? If you want connectivity, install UHD and the
command uhd_usrp_probe will tell you all the USRP devices connected to
your pc: http://code.ettus.com/redmine/ettus/projects/uhd/wiki

If you want to test signal integrity, configure gnuradio with gr-uhd
support. There is a very basic signal generator and analyzer display
that comes with the component. uhd_siggen_gui.py uhd_fft.py I believe.
Or make a quick flowgraph in gnuradio-companion :-)
I downloaded UHD from link above, then I did following.
cd UHD.
cd host
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make install

But then when I ran uhd_find_devices I got following output:
"Ignoring discovered device RuntimeError: Expected protocol compatibility
number 9, but got 7: The firware build is not compatible with the host code
No UHD Devices Found"
Lights D and F are on the N210. No other lights.
Another question what is minimum speed required for LAN(Etherenet)
interface on PC ? 100Mbps or 1000Mbps ?

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