On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 03:45:12PM -0500, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
> With the advent of GRC, you don't even have to know Python or C++ to 
> accomplish a great deal of stuff.  If the "plugging lego together"
>   paradigm isn't "natural" or is too restricting, you can always 
> program in a soup of Python and C++.  It's all doable.

I have made good use of GRC under Ubuntu (it suddenly quit working under
FreeBSD) for some projects. Currently, I'm trying to get a QPSK receiver
running at 1.92 ksps or slower. Send me .grc file for the demodulator
part and tell me how to tweak the variables.

gr-user . ovillatx.sytes.net

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