On 13/12/11 03:14 AM, Songsong Gee wrote:
> I am trying to install GNU Radio and UHD on a new PC with the latest
> build-gnuradio script. (which includes gtk2-engines-pixbuf)
> When the script checks the library after pre-requisite installation,
> an error occurs and the script stops.
> Here is the message when it occurs:
>     Checking for library libusb ...Found library libusb
>     Checking for library libboost_ ... build-gnuradio examples.desktop
>     tmp1883
>     Failed to find libraries with prefix 'libboost_' after
>     pre-requisite installation.
>     This very likely indicates that the pre-requisite installation
>     failed to install one or more critical pre-requisites for Gnu
>     Radio/UHD
>     Show pre-requisites install log?y
>     prereq.log: No such file or directory
>     exiting build
> I understood that libboost is not installed properly, and I tried:
>     sudo apt-get libboost-all-dev
> which is a part of pre-requisites and re-run the script. But it failed
> at the same step.
> So I've tried to modify the script:
>     Replace checklib libboost_ 5 with:
>         checklib libboost- 5 (replace the underbar with a hyphen, failed)
>         checklib libboost 5 (remove the underbar, failed)
>         checklib libboost_ 0 (change the number 5 to 0)
> The last one has an effect, but I don't think it solves problem clearly
> Because changing that number to zero means skipping some procedure for
> checking library
> And this library checks also failed with the libraries which have the
> number '5', so I changed all of them
> Anyway, currently I'm waiting for it to complete installation, and
> will report after full installation
> Anyone have idea for this, please give me a advice
> Thanks
> -- 
> Seokseong Jeon, PhD Candidate
> Communication & Networks Lab
> IT Convergence Engineering (ITCE), POSTECH, Korea
> +82 10 8338 1229, gee.songsong at gmail . com
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