I'm looking benchmark program and now found use of gr.firdes.low_pass:

        chan_coeffs = gr.firdes.low_pass (1.0,                  # gain
                                          sw_decim *
self.samples_per_symbol(), # sampling rate
                                          1.0,                  # cutoff
frequency: midpoint of trans. band
                                          0.5,                  # width of
trans. band
                                          gr.firdes.WIN_HANN)   # filter

I checked that low pass function in doxygen, and it says cutoff frequency
has unit measure [Hz].
Recalling above expression, it says that cutoff frequency is 1.0 Hz
Is it right? Or is it a factor that is normalized to the sampling frequency?

I'm asking about it because I want to use band_pass filter and I have no
idea what value I have to choose for low/high cutoff frequency

Seokseong Jeon, PhD Candidate
Communication & Networks Lab
IT Convergence Engineering (ITCE), POSTECH, Korea
+82 10 8338 1229, gee.songsong at gmail . com
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