Do you remember which parts you did not implement?

Apparently make the alamouti work is harder than I though...


On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 9:33 AM, Vanessa Gardellin
<> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>>> I am trying to use the alamouti code implemented by trondeau.
>>> Studying the gr_ofdm_frame_acquisition I found several concepts that
>>> are not clear to me:
>> Wow, this code is pretty old, and we never did finish it. I hope you get it
>> working! I'd love to see the results.
> Yes I know... I am trying to implement alamouti and this is the only
> thing that I have found... do you know about newer code? and/or
> working one?
>>> 1)  d_phase_count: what does it mean?
>> We have a look up table for various phase rotations to use in the
>> calculations instead of recalculating them every time. This is the index
>> into the LUT.
> In the code you never used "d_phase_lut"... so this explain a lot of things...
>>> 2) coarse_freq_comp(int freq_delta, int count): which is the meaning
>>> of this function?
>> If the frequency offset is larger than a subcarrier spacing, we want to
>> correct for that. Once the number of subcarrier offset is found, we use this
>> function to recenter it. The fine frequency correct has already been taken
>> care of to center the signals to the center of a subcarrier.
>>> 3) what "-M_TWOPI*freq_delta*d_cplen/d_fft_length" represents?
>> This is the integer number of subarriers (freq_delta) and the phase
>> correction per subcarrier.
>>> Thank you
>>> Vanessa
>> Tom
> Thanks
> Vanessa
> --
> Vanessa GARDELLIN, Ph.D.
> Researcher
> Institute for Informatics and Telematics (IIT),
> Italian National Research Council (CNR)
> Via G. Moruzzi 1
> 56124 Pisa - ITALY
> Phone: +390503153267
> Room: B65/c
> E-mail:
> WWW:
> Skype: gardellin.vanessa

Vanessa GARDELLIN, Ph.D.
Institute for Informatics and Telematics (IIT),
Italian National Research Council (CNR)
Via G. Moruzzi 1
56124 Pisa - ITALY
Phone: +390503153267
Room: B65/c
Skype: gardellin.vanessa

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