Which, of course is completely true.
Achilleas Anastasopoulos wrote:
Just to make a note on the more theoretical aspect of this problem:
If you want to avoid all complications arising from the discontinuous
arctan, you can (and technically/theoretically you should)
work with the actual incoming signal r(t)=exp(j theta(t)) + n(t)
and its hypothesized estimate s_hat(t) = exp(j theta_hat(t)),
and minimize their Euclidean distance (over a horizon T) under the
constraints (bandwidth) of your signal theta_hat(t).
What this boils down to is:
find theta_hat(t) satisfying the BW constraints that maximizes
the quantity sum_{t=1}^T |r(t)| cos[arg(r(t))-theta_hat(t)].
BTW, the fine point above is that you cannot set theta_hat(t)=arg(r(t)),
because this assignment does NOT satisfy the BW constraints of your
initial signal theta(t) or theta_hat(t).
This maximization problem is solved APPROXIMATELY using a PLL which is
implemented in gnuradio in various forms.
Also the algorithms suggested earlier (evaluate arctan() and smooth it)
can be thought of as approximate solutions of the above problem.
On 10/7/2011 5:40 AM, Mikael Olofsson wrote:
Achilleas Anastasopoulos wrote:
arctan (imag(out)/real(out)) plus some filtering to remove out of band
noise (it would be nice also to make sure you avoid discontinuities
inherent in the arctan function)...
I would like to add that you should use four quadrant arctan, i.e. add
or subtract pi to the above if the real part is negative.
/Mikael Olofsson
Universitetslektor (Associate Professor)
Linköpings universitet
E-Mail: mik...@isy.liu.se
WWW: http://www.commsys.isy.liu.se/en/staff/mikael
Phone: +46 - (0)13 - 28 1343
Telefax: +46 - (0)13 - 13 9282
Office: Building B, top floor, corridor A, between entrances 27-29.
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