On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Wilson, Jeffery (DS-1)
<jawil...@drs-ds.com> wrote:
> Designation: Non-SSA/Finmeccanica
> Hello,
> We make several RF front-ends that we’d like to see supported in GNU Radio.
> Our initial idea is was to extend the Ettus UHD to include support for our
> devices, so that a waveform/flow graph using a UHD block could run using
> either a USRP or one of our devices with only minor modifications. Does it
> “make sense” to extend UHD for this purpose?
> Our radios are embedded Linux systems that can communicate over USB as well
> as Ethernet. Initially I would like to use Ethernet as communication (using
> sockets). As far as I can figure a good place to start would be to follow
> the USRP2 UHD implementation and re-implement it for our system.
> Any tips, examples or general guidance would be very much appreciated.
> Thank you!
> --
> Jeff Wilson
> DRS Signal Solutions, Inc.
> Direct: 301.944.8772

Hi Jeff,
We'd love to have support for your radios in GNU Radio! I would rather
let Matt or Josh from Ettus comment on the suitability of using the
UHD as the software interface. In many senses, yes, I think it's the
right thing, but there are issues of compatibility that might be a
problem. But even if you don't go with it as your interface, making an
interface that is similar in the API to the UHD would certainly help
people use it.


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