On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Abhishek Gupta <ab...@princeton.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> We want to modify the source of a single component, compile it and then
> reinstall it.
> Is it possible to do so or I have to install the whole gnuradio?

Yes, you can just go into the directory of the component, say
gr-audio, and do a make and make install from there. It will compile
the library and perform the swigging necessary.

> If code breaks, is it easy to revert back just by reinstalling the original
> component again?
> Thanks,
> Abhi.

Sure, especially if you make sure to use git properly. Since git will
track all of your changes, it's easy to stash a change set or reset to
the latest checkin to go back.


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