Hey everyone! We still have room left for the GNU Radio conference, so
please sign up if you want to come!


Remember, this is not just for the hardcore developers. We will have
lots of discussion about applications and uses of GNU Radio.  Check
out the schedule that's posted at the above website. We have a variety
of topics and speakers, and I am really interested to interact with
and learn from the wider community of users. There are a number of
open sessions where I expect to hear some good conversations about how
an open source communications platform enables new and innovating

A couple of notes on what's going on. First, I was really hoping to
get us a group hotel rate at one of the local hotels. Unfortunately, I
think that's fallen through and is too late to get going. However, if
you look at the conference website under Location, I have provided a
couple of suggestions that are nicely located.

The second thing is that we will have to cancel the Saturday hackfest.
I asked for people to let me know if they were interested in it, and I
only received one answer. Since I have another obligation that day
(popped up recently, and I can't avoid it), I can't justify doing this
with the little enthusiasm I've received. I'd have loved to spend a
day hacking around with a bunch of you, but it's just not going to
happen this time.

I can't wait to see everyone there (in less than a month)!


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