Thanks for your response Marcus. I have been working with this block, but unfortunately, I do not want to iir filter the power spectrum. I want each spectrum to be weighed equally. I'd like to compute the arithmetic mean for all the power spectra within a minute (I believe there are 4000 per second) so that means I want to average 240,000 spectra and return a single power spectrum (which is the average) to be displayed.
As for the "keep one in N" file dump, I considered that when I came across moving_average_ff but that calculates the average every time it receives a new spectrum which is very wasteful in my case, since it's computing the average 240,000 times more than I need to. On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Marcus D. Leech <> wrote: > On 08/08/2011 12:31 PM, Prachi Parihar wrote: > > Hi everyone, > > I'm new to gnuradio and I was wondering if someone could point me in the > right direction. I'm using a usrp to read signals in the frequency domain. > I've been able to do this successfully using which uses > fft_sink_c() to display the signal. > > What I want to do instead of displaying the signal continuously is to > display the average of the power spectrum of the signal every minute using > all the samples collected in one minute. I can't find a block that simply > takes the (boxcar) average of many spectra once every minute. > > If I can't find a block to do this, I will attempt to write one myself. > If I need to, is there a strong need to write this block in C++ or could I > write it in python? > > Thanks in advance for your help, > Prachi > > > _______________________________________________ > Discuss-gnuradio mailing > listDiscuss-gnuradio@gnu.org > > There's a logPowerFFT hier block in GRC that allows you to set the frame > rate and "alpha" value, and it produces a FLOAT vector that's > the length of the FFT. > > You can then further IIR filter those vectors, and then do a "keep one in > N" to make them dump to a file once per minute. > > > > _______________________________________________ > Discuss-gnuradio mailing list > > > >
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