On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 8:36 AM, John Andrews <gnu.f...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Based on gr_firdes.cc/gr_firdes.h/gfr_firdes.i I developed a similar class
> to generate filter taps for a Raised Cosine filter. The following is the
> SWIG interface file and the C++ header with .cc file containing the
> algorithm for the static function declared in the header. The compilation
> goes without errors but when I import in Python environment I do not see
> this function being imported. It seems like SWIG doesn't see the definition
> of the member functin 'raised_cosine'.
> %{
> #include "dsss_firdes.h"
> %}
> GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC(dsss,firdes);
> class dsss_firdes
> {
> public:
> static std::vector<float> raised_cosine(double gain, double sampling_freq,
> double symbol_rate, double alpha, int ntaps);
> };
> class dsss_firdes {
> public:
>     static std::vector<float> raised_cosine (double gain, double
> sampling_freq, double symbol_rate,  double alpha,  int ntaps);
> };
> Thanks

Are you doing this in your own top-level block (dsss from the looks of it)
or under a current GNU Radio directory like gnuradio-core where the
gr_firdes currently is?

You haven't mentioned adding anything to the Makefile so that it is built
properly. If you are working under gnuradio-core/src/lib/general, you'll
also want to add your .h and .i files to general.i so that it get's

Also, just curious, what application are you interested in that requires a
raised cosine filter? And couldn't you just create a root raised cosine
filter and convolve the the taps against themselves to make the raised
cosine taps?

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