Thanks for the reply. I used tb1.start() and tb2.run() and I think that is
working. The two blocks don't have connections with each other.
 The flow is like:


1. tb1.start()
2. Some variable declaration...

Repeat step 3 and 4, five times
3. A function that creates tb2 and runs it and return the result
     --- tb2=gr.top_block()
     --- vector source--->convolution coding----->destination
     --- tb2.run()
     --- return destination.data()
4. send the result to the tb1 for processing

5 . tb1.wait()

As far as the result is concerned it seems right. But, I want to know that
whether this type of thing is conceptually right or not ??
I read that there must be only one top_block(). Please guide me in this..

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