On 05/30/2011 05:13 AM, wie...@gmx.de wrote:
> Dear GNU Radio gurus,
> I have sent this before but it might have not reached you guys.
> Excuse me some basic questions. Point me to another forum or information
> site if this is not the right place...
> we are supposed to pre-develop an inductive coupling radio transmission
> system somewhere between 100khz and 1Mhz with low data rate.
> Nothing decided yet (modulation scheme, frequency, transnmit power, ...)
> I am thinking of Gnuradio on USRP with LFRX/TX as a kind of generic
> development platform for transmitter and receiver.
> We are experienced in linux and python and others but we haven't
> digged very much into GNU Radio yet.
> Can we do simple modulations like FSK, ASK and OOK easily?
> I expect we will get a simple spectrum analyzer capability with the
> USRP receiver, right?

Yes on all of those.

> I am not sure I fully understand what is implemented on LFRX/TC from
> Ettus Research? Only ADC and DAC or also ome amplifiers and LP filter?
> Where can we find specifications?

The LFRX and LFTX are basically just differential amplifiers and
connectors.  They have a lowpass filter which allows them to be used up
to about 30 MHz.  The ADC and DAC are on the motherboards.


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