On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 12:32 PM, Michael Dickens <m...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> On May 17, 2011, at 5:39 PM, Tom Rondeau wrote:
> > What I'm now seeing, and this where the recent UHD apps comes in, is that
> there we really have a lack of developers.
> > What it seems to come down to is a lack of initiative. We are all willing
> to wait until someone else does something for us, and then report on the
> problems. But it's hard to start something and push it out there.
> Hi Tom - Related to this thread, this blog post about Qt's developer
> hierarchy might be interesting.  GNU Radio isn't nearly as huge as Qt, but
> maybe it could benefit from a similar hierarchy -- which is already in place
> to some degree, but maybe having such a post or wiki page would help
> solidify it. - MLD
> <
> http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/05/20/open-governance-roles-and-responsibilities/>
> Last week, in my blog on the Maturity Level List and in the previous week’s
> Maturity Levels, I left some indications of what would be expected of a
> maintainer of a portion of the Qt codebase. In this blog I’d like to explain
> a bit more what’s expected of people working via the Qt Open Governance,
> what roles will exist and what responsibilities will each have.
> In short, there will be three levels only:
>        • Contributor
>        • Approver
>        • Maintainer
> The presence of a “Chief Maintainer” is not exactly a fourth level. More on
> that below.

Thanks, Michael, that's really useful; it'll definitely give me something to
think over, but initially, I like the idea of different people having
approval say over some component (like Josh and anything GRC or Achilleas
and gr-trellis [if he'd want to]), which would ease the burden on me to make
sure everything is good.

BTW: I just updated my master branch on my github account. I'll try to
remember to keep it up.

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