On 05/12/2011 10:18 AM, Nick Othieno wrote:
> Hi all,
> What does the Vec Length parameter signify in gnuradio-companion blocks? I
> have realized that Vec Length for the USRP2 source is by default 2 and
> cannot be changed on the GUI. How can this be changed to 1? In my case, I
> have set the USRP2 UHD source Input Type to Short. I am assuming that this
> means that Input Type is a typo and in real sense it defines the output type
> of the USRP2 source. This short type however seems to have a Vec Length of
> 2.

The vector length of 2 shorts are a funny way to say type "complex
int16". The issue is we dont really have an official complex type for
non single precision floats in gnuradio.

Technically, you can connect that to any input that is 32 bits wide, but
since grc does does type checking as well, you may need to perform some
manipulations on the stream to get it into the format you like.


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