> I truly believe that GRC takes away 95% of the need for
> the user to actually code in either Python or C++.  To me, the real
> question is how to get that last 5%.

I'd say as long as GNU Radio is used for R&D, we'll never be able to get rid
of that last 5%. With R&D people are often trying to use GNU Radio in ways
that have not been previously anticipated. Maybe you weren't talking about
that 5%, though.

As for Windows support, Josh has been working on making Windows
> installers for GNU Radio.  Nearly all of the main components are in
> there.  With this, a Windows user never even needs to compile anything
> or worry about dependencies.  See:
> http://www.joshknows.com/gnuradio_port#binary_packages

Wow, that looks great! On any *nix, I have no qualms about going into bash
and building from source. But I think Windows users (I still consider myself
one) are just too used to installers with GUIs. This will definitely make
GNU Radio attractive to a larger audience.


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