>   I downloaded and installed it as you described it, when trying to run that 
> gnuradio\bin\gnuradio-companion.py I received an error message "Cannot import 
> gnuradio. 

Make sure you have the most recent installer (i posted yesterday)

I accidentally the python when I built the previous installer (due to an
issue with a relative path). So the site-packages were completely missing.

You can also test this quickly w/

python.exe -c "from gnuradio import gr"
python.exe -c "from gnuradio import uhd"

Does it show errors?

> Are your PYTHONPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH set correctly?" even if I set 
> and PATH correctly, I checked and double-checked it (I'm using the
> Rapid Environment Editor).

I know, nice isnt it?


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