On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Tachwali, Yahia <ytachw...@ou.edu> wrote:
> Hello Guys,
> I am experiencing some problems in transmitting/receiving at frequencies
> around 900MHz for WBX board. While, I am able to do so cleanly at
> 900MHz, other center frequencies are not.
> The signal bandwidth : 50 KHz
> The sampling frequency: 200 KHz

What signal amplitude?
What gain setting?
Which antenna port?

> I have tried 901MHz , 900.1MHz, 910MHz and many others but the received
> signal appears to be wider than it should be. The signal level is higher than
> -40dbm over the total 200 KHz range when these frequencies are used.

This usually indicates a sample rate mismatch in your flowgraph, if
you post an example to replicate your problem, it will be easier to
help you.

> The only frequencies I was able to use with no problems are 900MHz,
> 1.8 GHz , 890MHz, 880MHz.
> What could be the problem? I have tried to use "tune_request_t" in the target
> frequency paramter but it gave similar bad results . Any pointers?

What parameters did you give to the tune_request_t?

Have you looked at the tune_result_t returned by set_center_freq?


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