Here's an image of the BER vs. SNR plot plotted along with the theoretical
BPSK line.

 <>You can see that the
experimental data is 3-4 dB greater than the theoretical BPSK values.

My setup looks like:
GNURadio -> USRP -> LED -> water -> photodiode -> USRP -> GNURadio.

I'm using the "" and "" code with default
settings. Carrier is 5e6 hz and rate is 1e6 symbol/sec. Decimation at the
receiver is 32.

Above 12 dB the BER values saturate down at 1.85e-11.

Any ideas why the experimental results are so far off theoretical?

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 7:52 PM, William Cox <> wrote:

> Newbie here. I have some questions regarding the example programs under
> gnuradio-examples/python/digital-bert. I just ran a link and swept my signal
> power. I recorded the estimated snr and ber and I'm trying to plot them and
> verify things are working properly. Is the SNR estimation done at baseband
> or passband? When I plot the theoretical BPSK snr vs. ber curve, there's a
> significant offset between my experimental data and theoretical plot (and
> yes, I'm ignoring SNR values below 7 dB). Also, a more basic question is
> what is the best method to find documentation for the code? The class
> documentation under the wiki seems rather overwhelming and I have a hard
> time finding what I need.
> My second question is how the BER is calculated? I'm seeing values < 1e-11.
> But this is entirely unreasonable, as I'd have to be sending > 100 gb of
> data to be getting a BER close to that value. Looking at the code, its not
> clear to me over what packet size the BER is calculated and what the actual
> BER confidence value should be.
> Thanks for any help that can be offered.
> -William
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