I have been able to work on this tonight, and I think the solution is that
we just needed to be more specific in our LDADDs in a few places. Mostly,
it's where we are building programs (noinst_PROGRAMS = xxxx), but we were
only passing an LDADD of a few libraries and not everything. I was wondering
if there wasn't something more globally we could do, but I'm not sure that's

Johnathan and I will work on applying these changes where necessary
tomorrow. In the meantime, the patch attached to the end of this email was
what I needed to do in order to build under Ubuntu 11.04 beta.

On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 9:01 AM, azim...@gmail.com <azim...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Four more errors of the same type (no rule to make xyz). The work
> arounds are obviously not the solution, but I have no time to look
> into this more deeply:
> gr-gsm-fr-vocoder/src/lib needs:
> ln -s {python/,}gsm_full_rate.cc
> gr-noaa/swig needs:
> ln -s {python/,}noaa_swig.cc
> gr-trellis/src/lib needs:
> ln -s {python/,}trellis.cc
> gr-video-sdl/src needs:
> ln -s {python/,}video_sdl.cc
> Dimitrios Symeonidis

I'm really confused why you would need to do this. What OS are you working
on again?


PATCH (against current master):
diff --git a/gr-usrp/apps/Makefile.am b/gr-usrp/apps/Makefile.am
index 0f3a21b..c3955ad 100644
--- a/gr-usrp/apps/Makefile.am
+++ b/gr-usrp/apps/Makefile.am
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ GR_USRP_LA=$(top_builddir)/gr-usrp/src/libgnuradio-usrp.la
 # For compiling outside the tree, these will get fished out by pkgconfig

 LDADD = \
+       $(GNURADIO_CORE_LA) \
+       $(USRP_LA) \
        $(GR_USRP_LA) \
        $(BOOST_LDFLAGS) \
diff --git a/gruel/src/lib/Makefile.am b/gruel/src/lib/Makefile.am
index f37ab27..773f3ae 100644
--- a/gruel/src/lib/Makefile.am
+++ b/gruel/src/lib/Makefile.am
@@ -60,5 +60,9 @@ libgruel_la_LIBADD =                  \
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------

 test_gruel_SOURCES = test_gruel.cc
-test_gruel_LDADD   = pmt/libpmt-qa.la libgruel.la
+test_gruel_LDADD   =   \
+       $(BOOST_THREAD_LIB)             \
+       $(BOOST_SYSTEM_LIB)             \
+       $(BOOST_FILESYSTEM_LIB)         \
+       pmt/libpmt-qa.la libgruel.la
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