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From: Songsong Gee <gee.songs...@gmail.com>
Date: 2011/4/1
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] DPSK mod/demod block work well?
To: Tom Rondeau <trondeau1...@gmail.com>

I have an additional problem
Here is a flow graph:
It did not change much.

And here are scope plots

Everything is fine, but at the beginning,
There are ""3"" points which are not in the source.

Does DPSK demod block add some extra information?

Currently, I solved this problem just adding Skip 3 Head block.
However, if I change DPSK to DQPSK? or D8PSK?
I think that this value ""3"" might be also changed.

This extra 3 bits are inevitable?

2011/3/31 Songsong Gee <gee.songs...@gmail.com>

> Thank you for your answer
> It was a simple problem!
> But I couldn't think of that :)
> Thanks
> 2011/3/31 Tom Rondeau <trondeau1...@gmail.com>
>> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 9:07 AM, Songsong Gee <gee.songs...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I just made very simple dpsk mod/demod testing flow graph
>>> you can see flow graph in following link:
>>> https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/76z3sTbLs9Srz1N-wJhNzw?feat=directlink
>>> When I run it, I found strange outcome from it:
>>> https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/U0_S_71HzkL9t9RbeEBP2Q?feat=directlink
>>> I didn't change any parameters in mod/demod blocks.
>>> How can I get a good signal after mod/demodulation?
>> Well, the secret is that you really are getting good signals out of the
>> demodulator, it's just not in the form that you think it should be.
>> The modulator takes in packed bits; that is, characters between 0 and 255.
>> You are only giving it 0's and 1's. The output of the demodulator is
>> providing you with unpacked bits, so each character represents a single bit.
>> You will want to put an unpacked_to_packed block after the demod to put them
>> in the same format as your input.
>> The reason why you are getting the zeros at the output is because a '1' in
>> the input is really a '00000001' and a '0' is really '00000000', which is
>> what you see in your sink.
>> Tom

Seokseong Jeon (aka Songsong Gee)

Seokseong Jeon (aka Songsong Gee)
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