On 29/03/11 01:04 AM, Yulong Yang wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a senior student that also studying GNU Radio. I have found your
> post about generating signal and transmit on gnuradio mailing list
> (though it is written in 2007).
> I am wondering if you could give me some hints on generating signal and
> transmit using USRP? I am new to gnu radio and have not figured out
> where to start.
> I have already looked through gr_sig_source_c.cc but find no luck. My
> goal is to generate a sine, 2 sinc and 1 16QAM signal and transmit to
> another USRP device. (I am using USRP2)
> I will really appreciate your help. Thank you.
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i found the tutorials on the wiki quite instructive and well-written:


Hope this helps,

Etienne Robillard

Company: Green Tea Hackers Club
Occupation: Software Developer (and CEO)
E-mail:     e...@gthcfoundation.org
Work phone: 450-936-2123
Website (Company):  https://gthc.org/
Website (Blog):     https://gthc.org/blog/
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