
I was successful trying to add my own FPGA code into the original FPGA
project. I just added a module into the u2_rev3.v and bypass the DSP
pipeline. So, all the original FPGA code is there and the firmware is
running. Now, I would like to modify some registers of my own FPGA design.
Maybe using the I2C or the SPI standards already implemented via ethernet.

I read that for the USRP there is a command, "usrper i2c_write i2c_addr
<hex-string>" that can be used to modify some existing registers.

Is there anything similar for USRP2?

Is there any other way to modify an existing register (from the original
code) or a custom register (from my own code) via ethernet?

I would like to clarify that I am using the gnuradio master branch but if
there is a way to write these registers using the UHD driver it is also
quite interesting for me.

A lot of thanks in advance.

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