On 02/24/2011 09:43 PM, Phelps Williams wrote:
> I'm using grc to generate some extremely simple flowgraphs but I'm seeing
> very odd performance.  Any idea why I can't seem to get this combination to
> work?  I have had success with a GRC + USRP2 + WBX + UHD, anybody know why
> I'm having issues here?

Are you saying that if you run the same flow graph, host pc, ethernet
port, and software install on the USRP2 + WBX, you do not see this problem?

I am confused about the one hardware not working while the other does,
because its functionally identical. Just wondering if we can isolate
this problem to a particular machine, software install, etc... instead.

> UHD source block got error code 0x1
> gr_block_executor: source <gr_block uhd single_usrp source (2)> produced no
> output.  We're marking it DONE.

This is the call to recv() on the udp socket timing out. Either data
isnt coming over the ethernet cable for some reason recv()/select()

In any case, do you mind trying the next branch?

In the uhd repo:
git remote update
git branch --track next origin/next
git checkout next
cd host/build && make install..

and for gnuradio
git remote add jblum git://gnuradio.org/jblum.git
git remote update
git branch --track gr_uhd_next jblum/gr_uhd_next
git checkout gr_uhd_next
make install...


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