
   As I mentioned a few times here, I really can't install that GNU Radio in 
Windows environment (I followed all steps found in those descriptions 
how to install it with MinGW or CygWin). So I have to give it up and try to 
focuse on other solutions like UHD or maybe others. What I want to do is to 
some simple data transfers on different frequencies, basic communication with 
some modules made by me. Really I don't need all that python stuff and all 
dependencies problems. I was even thinking to control USRP from my application, 
it would be much faster than using Python, but how to write the firmware into 
the FPGA. OK, I got it, through that nice USB transceiver. After installing the 
USB driver when the USRP1 is connected to the PC it shows up the device with 
that FFFE VID and 0002 PID. Could anybody tell me what to do from this point to 
be able to program the firmware into the FPGA or maybe to change the firmware 
the EZ-USB FX2 transceiver? I suppose after I will program the rbf file into 
FPGA I could start to get and set things, send orders to the board to set 
frequency, decimation, sampling rate or read/write raw data. Commands to drive 
the USRP1 and my WBX daughterboard I could get from written source code (ex: 
 anyway I'll start to make the whole program with the help of FreePascal.

  A second alternative would be to use UHD (documentation is very poor) because 
it has support for USRP1, but after I read that I would have to get I don't 
what program to do something with the source code and to compile the UHD source 
code and other steps I started to think if it's a good idea, maybe I will have 
the same problems encountered when installing GNU Radio on Windows OS, why 
couldn't they provide a simple DLL file for using it on all Win OS's. Could 
anybody tell me how does UHD behave in Win OS? It's easy to use it? 

As a final answer, based on my description I do expect too much from this 
USRP1+WBX hardware or there are other people heaving the same problems?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Florian Eugen.

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