Matt Ettus wrote:
> On 01/27/2011 03:44 AM, nyquist82 wrote:
>> Hi!! I am trying to transmit a complex signal with the USRP2+WBX system.
>> First I tried transmitting from file, an 8MHz band recorded with the
>> USRP2,
>> by connecting the "from file" block to the USRP2 transmitter, with and
>> appropriate interpolation.
>> When visualizing the output on a spectrum analyzer I can see that the
>> USRP2
>> is transmitting a very narrow bell-shaped signal band and on the sides
>> what
>> seem to be harmonics of the center signal.
>> Changing the interpolation on the usrp2 seems to affect the bandwidth of
>> the
>> central signal (the smaller the interpolation the larger the bandwidth).
>> Any ideas on where I'm going wrong?
> Dear nyquist82,
> You are not setting the proper sampling rate.  Changing the 
> interpolation rate changes the sampling rate and thus the bandwidth. 
> This relationship was first proved by your namesake many years ago.
> Matt
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Hy Matt, I know the Nyquist theorem :-D , but here the problem is not as
simple as that. The problem is that changing the interpolation, the
bandwidth of the signal sent by USRP2 and displayed on spectrum analyzer
does not change. Not only that, the displayed signal is not stable at all.

I tried everything but the result is always the same. Please help me. :-(

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