Hi Alex /Marcus & All

I have exactly the same result as Alexandur (not only once)
I guess we used almost the same RCP antenna http://www.poes-weather.com/~patrik/AO-51/

Yesterday nite NanoSail passed FI at zenith, I could not hear anything from it (once the signal jumped but staid only for < 2 sec so I'm not sure what it was). I thought, my system is erroneous? I cross checked against ECHO(AO-51) today and it seems to work http://www.poes-weather.com/~patrik/AO-51/Jan-22-2011/ I retried on NanoSail this evning (68 deg max elev) using the new keps published on the NASA page but nothing, nada.

Sumthing is fundamentally wrong how I/we do it. I guess it could be LHCP?
Perhaps someone (who speak English) could query NASA on howtos?


Once they unfurled the sail, the S-band transmitter turned on, which has been draining the batteries. Transmissions have been only
  sporadic since then, I understand.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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