> It would be really cool to create a "total GNU" solution for the GNURADIO.
> GNU EDA tools, GNU-like Hardware (open-source community license),
> GNU FPGA-code, GNU µC-Code, GNU signal processing (the existing Gnuradio),
> GNU operating system, GNU postprocessing (GNU Octave), GNU visualization
> (gnuplot) ...
> I have only worked with Mentor Graphics and Protel before. Don't know if gEDA
> is really suitable to handle all the EDA processes to prepare manufacturing
> (auto-routing, EMI analysis and simulations, prepare the CNC drilling ... ?)
Of course, there's no such thing as a "total Gnu Solution".  Not unless
we start
  producing VLSI ourselves, etc, etc. :-)

Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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