
> Hi Brian,
> That sounds like a pretty good system.  I should say right
> off the bat that if I am involved to make this I would want
> to add a clause in the open source hardware license to not
> allow the hardware to be used for military applications.  I
> think it is important to state this at the start before I
> would get involved working on a new gnu radio board.  If
> people can live with that requirement I am happy to do the
> layout work.

Obtaining critical mass with a community based, open source project is 
difficult enough -- you can see the very few
examples that are successful and still alive after a couple of years.  I'm not 
saying you're wrong or right, but if
you make the path more narrow, your chances of success -- i.e. reaching 
milestones on the path and getting others to
follow you -- decrease.

Can you show some examples of other *successful* open source / open hardware 
projects where the license has this clause?


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