Hi Josh, isn't it easier with the GNU-Toolchain like
Mingw (Windows native) or Cygwin (POSIX/Windows API)?
For Cygwin there are lots of prebuilt packages and others
build easily with ./configure ; make.  Some need to be patched.
Once I managed to get gnuradio running in Cygwin (X-windows)
with GRC and did some live operations (waterfall, spectrum)
with the soundcard. Unfortunately the latest SVN versions
have some Boost and other errors and don't compile any more.
The USRP2-drivers with raw socket interfaces didn't work,
but with UHD and UDP-sockets this might be easier to realize.
I don't have much experience with Mingw, but this gives you
Windows native executables and is still very GNU-compatible.
Usually I prefer Cygwin, but this gives you a lot of trouble
when combining executables/DLLs from the Cygwin and native world
(the exception handlers and runtime libs are not compatible).

On 02.01.2011 09:04, Josh Blum wrote:

> I've got gnuradio building native on windows with MS visual studio using
> cmake to generate the project file. Its not the whole gnuradio, just
> gruel, gnuradio-core, and qtgui; as a demonstration.

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