On 11/11/2010 04:57 PM, Bishal Thapa wrote:
> Hello,
>   I am using USRP2 version of BBN code to look at AP beacons as seen
> by the USRP2 host. There is lots of "S" printing going on, which keeps
> me from reading AP beacon information from STDOUT (unless I save the
> output to a file, which I prefer not to). Is there anyway to enforce
> the printing of "S" character to go away. Here is my node's specification:
>    *
>       BBN Code Location:
>       https://www.cgran.org/cgran/projects/bbn_80211/branches/usrp2_version
>    *
>       CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 CPU E8400 @ 3GHz
>    *
>       Memory: 4GB
>    *
>       Hard Disk: 1TB
> My ubuntu version = 10.04
> GNuradio version = 3.3.0
Keep in mind, though, that those 'S' indicate that your host is being
overrun by the USRP2.
  An occasional one isn't a problem, but if you're getting a lot of
them, it will affect your
  Rx performance quite a bit.

I think of an occasional 'S' as the same as an occasional "RFI hit" on
the channel.  But when
  the rate of them gets to the point where you're losing a significant
amount of Rx data, it's
  a problem.

Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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