Hi all,

I get WBX, and I want to try benchmark_tx/rx.py on USRP2.

But when I use find_usrps, the program returns "No USRP found.".

I searched mailing-lists.
I need to update firmware.

I tried this.

sudo u2_flash_tool --dev=/dev/sdd1 -t s/w xrx_wbx_raw_eth_20100608.bin -w

But after that, I can't use WBX and other dbs.
Brfore that, I can use dbs with WBX exceptions.

Is there a thing that we some should try?



Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Dear Matthias:

Thank you for your advice.

first you should make sure that the FPGA bitstream is also correctly on the SD 
use the u2_flash_tool to copy both files to the card.
You should use 
http://code.ettus.com/redmine/ettus/attachments/70/u2_rev3-20100603.bin as the 
FPGA image.

Your mean is that nedd to write "txrx.bin",
before write "txrx_wbx_raw_eth_20100608.bin" ?

Your mean like this?
$ sudo u2_flash_tool --dev=/dev/XXXX -t s/w txrx.bin -w
$ sudo u2_flash_tool --dev=/dev/sdd1 -t s/w xrx_wbx_raw_eth_20100608.bin -w

I'll try this tomorrow!

Then, you should check if the USRP2 boots properly,
i.e., if LED "F" is constantly on (power) and LED "D" turns on after a short 
This indicates that the SD card is working and the USRP2 booted successfully.

Before update, LED D and F is.
But after that only F.

If the LEDs are correct and it is still not working,
you should update gnuradio to the newest version.
Maybe your version is not able to speak with the device correctly.

Now I use gnuradio-3.2.2.
I think that I can use WBX on USRP2 when I use gnuradio-3.2.2.
But I need to use gnuradio-3.3 to use WBX on USRP1.

However, I think your problem is an issue with the USRP2 not booting correctly.

[currently in (rainy) Kyoto]

I think I found your problem after writing this:
you have a filesystem on your SD card, because you use /dev/sdd1.
You have to use /dev/sdd with the u2_flash_tool in order to correctly
flash the card,
the files must be written directly on the beginning of the card
(and make sure that /dev/sdd is the correct device first, it will
otherwise overwrite your boot sector or whatever...)
If you used a new card, you definitely need to put both FPGA and
firmware on the card.

When I try this command, u2_flash_tool return error.
>> --
>> sudo u2_flash_tool --dev=/dev/sdd -t s/w xrx_wbx_raw_eth_20100608.bin -w
>> --


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