On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 03:09:47PM -0400, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
> >
> > There definitely shouldn't be any PKG_CONFIG_PATH special case
> > handling for anything in grc_<component_name>.m4.
> >
> > A ton of effort was put into making the building system work reliably
> > and consistently (mostly by Michael Dickens).  A lot of the details
> > are quite subtle, and the effort took a long time to stabilize, and
> > has proven itself to work on a wide variety of OS's and distributions.
> > All of the grc_<component_name>.m4's should follow the same pattern.
> > There shouldn't be any divergence in the boilerplate.
> >
> > I removed the offending code because it was causing my build to break,
> > and noticed at that time that it shouldn't have been there in the
> > first place.
> >
> > Eric
> >
> >
> >   
> Fair enough, Eric.  So do you suggest another approach that allows
> boostrap/configure/make to "just work", or simply more notes
>   about this in the build instructions when you're using UHD?

This really doesn't have anything to do with UHD.  You'd see
the same problem with any other dependency installed outside of
/lib{,64} or /usr/lib{,64}

Just as you have to set your PYTHONPATH for stuff in /usr/local...,
set your PKG_CONFIG_PATH for stuff in /usr/local/lib{,64}


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