i compiled from scratch wxWidgets 2.9.1, but python is still using mac's 2.8 
version. How do i tell python to use the locally installed version?

--- On Wed, 9/15/10, Elvis Dowson <elvis.dow...@mac.com> wrote:

> From: Elvis Dowson <elvis.dow...@mac.com>
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GNU Radio via MacPorts Updated
> To: "discuss-gnuradio Discussion Group" <discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>
> Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 2:54 AM
> Hi Michael,
> On Sep 15, 2010, at 1:12 AM, Michael Dickens wrote:
> > Hi Dave - We're just discussing this issue (32-bit
> execution) on the MacPorts' lists.  The quick
> end-result is: With the current MacPorts' provided python2.6
> or older, the PREFER_32_BIT stuff does not work because
> 'python' is actually just a wrapper around 'exec' and the
> bit-preferences are no passed through.  Apple's
> python2.6 -does- work, as does python2.7 and newer, because
> this command was moved to "posix_spawn"; see < 
> http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/python/python-44.1/2.6/
> > for the source code and changes Apple made (somewhere
> in there).
> I can confirm that apple's default python-2.6 works in
> 32-bit mode.
> > As to your actual error when running "usrp_fft.py":
> Apparently WX is not installed as 64-bit.  I haven't
> gotten this far in my testing (lots on my queue already),
> but my memory is that this has been an issue for a -long-
> time & still isn't resolved.  I don't remember the
> exact root cause any longer.
> For the wxWidgets/wxPython issue, here's what I've found
> out so far:
> a. wxWidgets/wxPython 2.9.2 and higher builds and works
> under cocoa 64-bits. 
> I've tested the non-OpenGL vesions of the widgets in
> gr-wxgui, and that appears to be working. 
> However, for the OpenGL versions of these widgets, there
> are some breaking API changes between wxWidgets 2.8.x and
> 2.9.x. The changes are documented in the wxWidgets OpenGL
> cube example. 
> b. Robin Dunn provides a synchronized release of his
> sources for wxWidgets/wxPython 2.9.x, since we usually have
> the problem of version mismatches, and re-swigging. You can
> find a link to the download in this discussion thread:
> http://groups.google.com/group/wxPython-dev/browse_thread/thread/dd7ff9dfb5d99686?pli=1
> c. Under Mac OS X 10.6.4, you already have an installation
> of wxWidgets
> $ python
> Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Feb 11 2010, 00:51:29) 
> [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
> information.
> >>> import wx
> ''
> >>> exit()
> At the moment, I'm slowly building all the dependent
> libraries for i386 and x86_64 architectures, and bring it
> up  to the wxWidgets/wxPython dependencies. This way, I
> can simultaneously try a couple of permutations/combinations
> with say wxWidgets/wxPython 2.8.x and Carbon/32-bits and GNU
> Radio at 32-bits, or if I solve the OpenGL context issue,
> wxWidgets/wxPython 2.9.x Cocoa/64-bits and GNU Radio at
> 64-bits. 
> Best regards,
> Elvis
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