
I am currently implement such scheme that have to pass the
information(complex data type) from rx_path to tx_path in benchmark_ofdm.
The information (complex data) is said to be channel gain that can be
calculated by pilot sequence inserted in ofdm symbol, and it can be get from
gr_ofdm_frame_acquisition.cc. And I want to make use of this information for
next transmitted packet. So I need a method to implement this scheme.

Here are some methods that I used to implement but got some problems.

1) In gr_ofdm_frame_acqusition.cc, I save the complex data in a file and
read this file when I send a packet. But it seems that saving file will
slows down the process and causes the packet fail.

2) I rewrite the io_signature in the block of gr_ofdm_frame_acqusition.cc
that increase the output port for the complex data. And connect this port to
the transmit path.
Like this:
Rx-USRP -> rx_path --(gr_complex)-- tx_path -> Tx-USRP  
I know the rx_path and tx_path are parallel in GNU Radio. Is it possible to
connect these two block with one port?

3) Maybe I can use gr_message. But I don't know how to use it for the data
is complex data type. It seems that gr_message is for string data (unsigned
char). Can it use for complex or floating data type?

Anyone have any suggestions about these problems, please let me know.
I am deeply appreciative.


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