On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 2:52 AM, Amee Shah <amee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Currently, I have the following hardware setup:
> Receive Antenna --> Preamplifier --> RF In (USRP2 + DBSRX)
> I was wondering if  I could use USRP2 to supply power (12- 14V) to the
> preamplifier? If yes, can someone tell me how?

Are you trying to power via a DC bias on your feed line from preamp to
DBSRX input?  If so, you can use the built in bias-tee on J100.  Since
you are looking for higher than 6.3V, you will want to attach to J100
with your DC voltage between the "Antenna Bias +" terminal and the
"GND" terminal of J100.

If you were looking for a 12-14V source within the USRP2, there is
only the 6.3V availble on the extra fan pins (J102 of USRP2) or on
J101 of DBSRX.

Have a look at the schematics here:


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