> On Aug 19, 2010, at 5:15 AM, dave k wrote:
>> has anyone done a permanent install of a usrp1 or usrp2 with heavy duty feed 
>> line? pictures?? how to secure everything? my coax is just lmmr400 with a N 
>> Male, i need either a jumper cable or adapter. which has method works best? 
>> suggested vendors? thanks
> A short jumper cable between the thick LMR400 cable and the USRP might be a 
> good idea for strain relief. You can order all of the required adapters and 
> cables from a distributor like Digi-Key, or a cable/adapter vendor like 
> Pasternack. Pasternack will also make custom cables in single quantity.
I'll add Jameco and Mouser to the list of vendors who sell RF
adaptors/cables, etc.

When I've had to do this, I've put an 'N' to SMA on the fat cable, and
used a short piece of thin flexible cable with SMAs on it.
  Jameco stocks cables with SMAs with both RG58 and RG-174.  The RG174
is thin, but lossy, so you don't want to use too much of
  it, depending on your operating frequency.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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