On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 09:40:55AM +0200, matty wrote:
> But gang scheduling is implemented in gcell code, or i am wrong?
> Do you mean the gcell kernel?
> Ok, then i have to look for gc_job_manager_impl.cc.
> But there are gang_scheduling constructs in gc_job_manager.h and the
> matching SWIG file and in benchmark_nop.cc.
> Matty

I mean the linux kernel.  The spe_gang_context was defined in the libspe2
interface, but I'm pretty sure that it doesn't change any behavior.
IIRC, this was dicussed on the cbe-oss-dev mailing list, which was the
place for discussion of everything about Cell on Linux.

FWIW, you should be able to set the flag in opts like this:

  opts = gcell.jm_options(ph, 1)
  opts.gang_schedule = True


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