Hi all, I'd like to ask some questions about dual transmitter/receiver on USRP1.
I want to make dual transmitter/receiver by remodeling benchmark_tx/rx.py. In detail, I want to use two daughterboard (two FLEX400) on one USRP1. The pair of side-A transmit and receive on 412MHz, and the pair of side-B transmit and receive on 420MHz. USRP1(tx only) USRP1(rx only) +------------+ +------------+ | | | | |db1: | 420MHz |db1: | | FLEX400(A)------------FLEX400(A) | | | | | |db2: | |db2: | | FLEX400(B)------------FLEX400(B) | | | 412MHz | | +------------+ +------------+ Now I made tx-node's program like attachment file, and execute this file. ----- $ sudo python dual_tx.py -f 412M ----- However, I got the following error. ----- user:/usr/share/gnuradio/examples/digital$ sudo python dual_tx.py -f 412M {'verbose': False, 'discontinuous': False, 'samples_per_symbol': 2, 'usrpx': None, 'interp': None, 'fusb_block_size': 0, 'megabytes': 1.0, 'rx_freq': 412000000.0, 'size': 1500, 'show_tx_gain_range': False, 'log': False, 'tx_subdev_spec': (0, 0), 'fusb_nblocks': 0, 'lo_offset': None, 'tx_gain': None, 'which': 0, 'modulation': 'gmsk', 'excess_bw': 0.34999999999999998, 'bt': 0.34999999999999998, 'interface': 'eth0', 'freq': None, 'bitrate': 100000.0, 'from_file': None, 'tx_freq': 420000000, 'mac_addr': '', 'tx_amplitude': 0.25, 'gray_code': True} >>> gr_fir_fff: using SSE Requested TX Bitrate: 100k Actual Bitrate: 125k @@@@@ {'verbose': False, 'discontinuous': False, 'samples_per_symbol': 2, 'usrpx': None, 'interp': None, 'fusb_block_size': 0, 'megabytes': 1.0, 'rx_freq': 412000000.0, 'size': 1500, 'show_tx_gain_range': False, 'log': False, 'tx_subdev_spec': (1, 0), 'fusb_nblocks': 0, 'lo_offset': None, 'tx_gain': None, 'which': 0, 'modulation': 'gmsk', 'excess_bw': 0.34999999999999998, 'bt': 0.34999999999999998, 'interface': 'eth0', 'freq': None, 'bitrate': 100000.0, 'from_file': None, 'tx_freq': 412000000, 'mac_addr': '', 'tx_amplitude': 0.25, 'gray_code': True} usrp_open_interface:usb_claim_interface: failed interface 1 could not claim interface 1: Device or resource busy usrp_basic_tx: can't open tx interface Traceback (most recent call last): File "dual_tx.py", line 150, in <module> main() File "dual_tx.py", line 109, in main tb = my_top_block(mods[options.modulation], options) File "dual_tx.py", line 54, in __init__ self.txpath_b = usrp_transmit_path.usrp_transmit_path(modulator, options) File "/usr/share/gnuradio/examples/digital/usrp_transmit_path.py", line 67, in __init__ self._setup_usrp_sink(options) File "/usr/share/gnuradio/examples/digital/usrp_transmit_path.py", line 76, in _setup_usrp_sink self.u = usrp_options.create_usrp_sink(options) File "/usr/share/gnuradio/examples/digital/usrp_options.py", line 119, in create_usrp_sink gain=options.tx_gain, File "/usr/share/gnuradio/examples/digital/generic_usrp.py", line 199, in __init__ _generic_usrp_base.__init__(self, **kwargs) File "/usr/share/gnuradio/examples/digital/generic_usrp.py", line 57, in __init__ elif usrpx == '1' or self._subdev_spec: self._setup_usrpx(USRP1_TYPE) File "/usr/share/gnuradio/examples/digital/generic_usrp.py", line 76, in _setup_usrpx if self._type == USRP1_TYPE: self._setup_usrp1() File "/usr/share/gnuradio/examples/digital/generic_usrp.py", line 229, in _setup_usrp1 fusb_nblocks=self._fusb_nblocks) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gnuradio/usrp/usrp_swig.py", line 2412, in sink_c return _usrp_swig.sink_c(*args, **kwargs) RuntimeError: can't open usrp user:/usr/share/gnuradio/examples/digital$ ----- I think, I couldn't make two txpath. (I can make "txpath_a", but can't make "txpath_b") But we can make two path ( txpath and rxpath) in tunnel.py. Why I can't make two txpath like this way? I can't make dual transmit path like this way. Does anyone has some idea to make ? If you know, please tell me dual transmit path technique. Thanks, youhei
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2005,2006,2007,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # from gnuradio import gr, gru, modulation_utils from gnuradio import usrp from gnuradio import eng_notation from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option from optparse import OptionParser import random, time, struct, sys # from current dir import usrp_transmit_path #import os #print os.getpid() #raw_input('Attach and press enter') class my_top_block(gr.top_block): def __init__(self, modulator, options): gr.top_block.__init__(self) # options setting for side A options.tx_subdev_spec = (0,0) options.tx_freq = 420000000 print options self.txpath_a = usrp_transmit_path.usrp_transmit_path(modulator, options) print "@@@@@" # options setting for side B options.tx_subdev_spec = (1,0) options.tx_freq = 412000000 print options self.txpath_b = usrp_transmit_path.usrp_transmit_path(modulator, options) print "@@@@@" self.connect(self.txpath_a) self.connect(self.txpath_b) # ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # main # ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// def main(): def rx_callback(ok, payload): print "ok = %r, payload = '%s'" % (ok, payload) mods = modulation_utils.type_1_mods() parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option, conflict_handler="resolve") expert_grp = parser.add_option_group("Expert") parser.add_option("-m", "--modulation", type="choice", choices=mods.keys(), default='gmsk', help="Select modulation from: %s [default=%%default]" % (', '.join(mods.keys()),)) parser.add_option("-s", "--size", type="eng_float", default=1500, help="set packet size [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-M", "--megabytes", type="eng_float", default=1.0, help="set megabytes to transmit [default=%default]") parser.add_option("","--discontinuous", action="store_true", default=False, help="enable discontinous transmission (bursts of 5 packets)") parser.add_option("","--from-file", default=None, help="use file for packet contents") usrp_transmit_path.add_options(parser, expert_grp) for mod in mods.values(): mod.add_options(expert_grp) (options, args) = parser.parse_args () if len(args) != 0: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if options.tx_freq is None: sys.stderr.write("You must specify -f FREQ or --freq FREQ\n") parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if options.from_file is not None: source_file = open(options.from_file, 'r') # build the graph tb = my_top_block(mods[options.modulation], options) r = gr.enable_realtime_scheduling() if r != gr.RT_OK: print "Warning: failed to enable realtime scheduling" tb.start() # start flow graph # generate and send packets nbytes = int(1e6 * options.megabytes) n = 0 pktno = 0 pkt_size = int(options.size) while n < nbytes: if options.from_file is None: data = (pkt_size - 2) * chr(pktno & 0xff) else: data = source_file.read(pkt_size - 2) if data == '': break; payload = struct.pack('!H', pktno & 0xffff) + data tb.txpath_a.send_pkt(payload) #0724# tb.txpath_b.send_pkt(payload) #0724# n += len(payload) sys.stderr.write('.') if options.discontinuous and pktno % 5 == 4: time.sleep(1) pktno += 1 tb.txpath_a.send_pkt_a(eof=True) #0724# tb.txpath_b.send_pkt_b(eof=True) #0724# tb.wait() # wait for it to finish if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
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