I think I'm running into some scheduler issues in GNU Radio that I don't really 
understand.  I've been working on running GNU Radio blocks on the Beagleboard's 
DSP by writing new DSP specific custom signal processing blocks When I run 
simple QA python test scripts everything works fine.  If I start incorporating 
the block into more complex GNU Radio flowgraphs, the work method is 
occassionally not called.  When I run my code in debug mode I can see the DSP 
being initialized and parameters being passed to it but once the flowgraph 
starts everthing hangs when I comment the DSP block out of the graph everything 
works fine.

Just because I'm not sure what else to do, I added 
gr_enable_realtime_scheduling().  With this the "Work" method would 
occassionally get called.  I'm  using an interpolator class template and from 
what I see, the "work" method calls "general_work" and the consume_each() 
method so I guess I don't have to dabble with that.

The other thing, my code blocks during each function call to the DSP, would 
this somehow affect the scheduler?  I'm guessing not since not even the debug 
printf statements appear at the beginning are printed to the screen.

I'm not quite sure how to debug the schdeuler calls and such related topics, 
any help would be greatly appreciated.

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