Shortest Answer: This list isn't the correct venue for your issues with Qt and Carbon / Cocoa; the GNU Radio build system is working correctly and as expected under the circumstances. If you have issues with the way Qt build on OSX, please see their forums and possibly issue a ticket there.

On Jul 20, 2010, at 3:03 AM, Elvis Dowson wrote:
After doing a little digging around in the gnuradio configured files, I see references to Carbon in config.status

config.status is generated by configure. The reference to "-framework Carbon" comes from how Qt was installed. If you look at the PKG_CONFIG files for Qt, you'll find 'Carbon' in some of them.

This finds itself eventually in the gr-qtgui makefiles, which is incorrect behaviour. Is because of QwtPlot3d using legacy Qt3Support, and somehow the Carbon support is getting pulled in?

This is normal behavior for autotools & the way GNU Radio's build system works. All of the required Qt libraries' CFLAGS & LIBS are concatenated, to form what you found.

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