Hello All,

Attempting to sign in using a username I made a long time ago I seem to have
forgotten my password, I then attempted the password reset, followed all the
steps and attempted to login, still says my username / password is wrong
though. Weird.

Anyway, I was attempting to raise an issue on a documentation error in
gr_firdes, in the .h file it has (notice that it states center of transition
band for the cuttoff freq):
   * \brief use "window method" to design a low-pass FIR filter
   * \p gain: overall gain of filter (typically 1.0)
   * \p sampling_freq: sampling freq (Hz)
   * \p cutoff_freq: center of transition band (Hz)
   * \p transition_width: width of transition band (Hz).
   * \p attenuation_dB          required stopband attenuation
   * The normalized width of the transition
   * band and the required stop band
   *                            attenuation is what sets the number of taps
   * required.  Narrow --> more taps
   *                            More attenuatin --> more taps
   * \p window_type: What kind of window to use. Determines
   * maximum attenuation and passband ripple.
   * \p beta: parameter for Kaiser window

  static std::vector<float>
  low_pass_2 (double gain,

Now in the .c file:

gr_firdes::low_pass_2(double gain,
      double sampling_freq,    // Hz
      double cutoff_freq,      // Hz BEGINNING of transition band
      double transition_width, // Hz width of transition band
      double attenuation_dB,   // attenuation dB
      win_type window_type,
      double beta)             // used only with Kaiser

Can't say I know alot about filter design so I have no idea which way it
should be.

Thank you,
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