That's really cool if Linux can run on TI multi-core DSP  TMS320C6474! 

Where can I get this factory Linux, I don't find it  at TI's website. Should I 
ask TI guys for it?



发件人: Jeff Brower <>
收件人: Hanks <>
抄   送:
发送日期: 2010/7/9 (周五) 7:39:30 下午
主   题: Re:  »Ø¸´£º [Discuss-gnuradio] Can GNU Radio run on  TI DSP environment?


> For the  native, factory Linux running on their DSP cores,
> do you mean DSP/BIOS real-time OS?

No, I mean Linux.  It's a big deal for TI -- they should have had a factory 
Linux 10 years ago, but for whatever
reasons they were way late to join the crowd.


> ________________________________
> 发件人: Jeff Brower <>
> 收件人: Hanks <>
> 抄   送:
> 发送日期: 2010/7/9 (周五) 6:41:05 下午
> 主   题: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Can GNU Radio run on TI DSP environment?
> Hanks-
>> I am new to GNU Radio. Currently I am considering to implement basic software
>> radio and signal processing on TI DSP environment, such as TI TMS320C674x and
>> C647x DSPs and the evaluation boards.
>> I know GNU radio are usually running on PC environments for Linux or Window
> OS,
>> but can it also run on TI DSP? If it can, how can I do it?
> As a starting point, look here:
> In this case GNU radio runs on the ARM core side of an OMAP 3530 device (not 
> the DSP core).  OMAP 3xxx devices can
> be found in some smart phones, for example Mot Droid and Palm Pre.
> Another area to look into is TI's recent announcment for a native, factory 
> running on their DSP cores, for
> example 6-core C6474 device.  I have not heard of a GNU radio port (or any 
> popular open source sw, such as
> Asterisk) but I'm sure people are working on it.
> -Jeff

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