On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 10:16:51AM +0200, matty wrote:
> OK, i'm sorry for that!
> (2) The Cell processor is dead, dead, dead.
> Does it mean, no further development in gnuradio code for the Cell
> processor?

No further development.  You can't buy a new PS3 that will run Linux.
Sony pulled the "OtherOS" feature, and if you happen to allow a
"working" PS3 to update it's firmware, you'll lose the feature too and
will no longer be able to run Linux on the one you already have.

> I appreciate your work and those of others.


> I'm using Fedora 11 on PS3, SDK Version 3.1 and GNU Radio 3.2.2.
> I need a workload for gcell e.g. i want to use qa_fft.py or gcellized FFTW.
> I apologize for my hasty and rash mailing! I think my subject wasn't choosen
> very well.
> Best regards
> Matty


I haven't found time to look at your real problem, but I wanted to
make sure that you knew about Sony's removal of the OtherOS feature,
and to warn you not to upgrade the firmware on your PS3.


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